Knowledge Sharing (PP6.4)
PP6.4: Knowledge Sharing
The value and impact of research outcomes is amplified by identifying and engaging with stakeholders. ACAP will do this by building on past practice and by seeking new ways to engage and to communicate.
Through knowledge sharing, ACAP aims to raise the profile of the research outcomes, to increase impact, to engage nationally and internationally.
6.4.1 Stakeholders
ACAP has an established group of stakeholders in its customers, industry and research partners, prospective partners and students and the Australian public.
These relationships are founded in technology collaborations and/or an agreed vision of the work that needs to be done to deliver on an energy transition to a low emissions future.
ACAP will continue to develop its stakeholder network nationally and internationally and to engage more broadly to pursue ultra-low-cost photovoltaics and to ensure that the findings are shared with stakeholders.
6.4.2 ACAP Website
ACAP will maintain a high quality and attractive site at www.acap.org.au that will attract traffic from international researchers and the Australian public.
The site will continue to maintain concise summarise of research activities, reports and the knowledge sharing outcomes as well as access to all full detailed reports in the public domain.
6.4.3 ACAP Traditional and Social Media Engagement
ACAP will actively engage with the global community through a continued strong engagement with channels such as ARENAWire, The Conversation, PV Magazine, RenewEconomy, Ecogeneration, PVMag, Mirage News, Sydney Morning Herald, The Guardian, Great Solar Businesses, Solar Insiders, Energy Insiders and other international publications to reach a wide audience.
6.4.4 Annual Reports and Conference
ACAP will publish a high-quality annual research report to inform ARENA and the public, to be made available on the ACAP websites and provided to ARENA for delivery to the global research community and to the public and media.
ACAP holds an annual research conference near the end of each year to keep ARENA and ACAP’s National Steering Committee informed, and to exchange research results, enhance collaboration and reinforce social contacts between students and staff from the different nodes. The program includes an oral summary presentation of progress and plans for each research topic as well as oral and poster presentations of technical progress from staff and student researchers.
The Australian PV Institute’s (APVI) Asia-Pacific Solar Research Conference aims to provide a forum for development and discussion of content specific to Australia and its region, and an opportunity to foster collaboration between institutes, and to promote engagement between industry and academics. ACAP will continue to partner with the APVI and support the development of the conference program through participation in its organisation and through scheduling ACAP presentations at the conference.
6.4.5 Public Lectures and Student Engagement
Public Lectures: ACAP will co-sponsor public lectures at the nodes or elsewhere, in-person and/or online, featuring presentations from ACAP students, early career researchers (ECRs) and senior researchers and visiting scholars. The target audiences will include researchers, current and potential research students, current and potential research partners, policy makers and interested members of the public. ACAP will share notices of events between its nodes and partners to encourage broad engagement.
Recordings will be made available online to the greatest extent possible, such as via a Youtube channel such as UNSWSPREE (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmyOSmRZXkHmLgl9wo3DI1g)
Student Engagement:
ACAP will support and engage with effective and engaging outreach activities involving coursework and research students at its host institutions and at K-12 schools. CSIRO, while not directly enrolling students, is highly supportive of hosting them.
ACAP nodes have significant experience in engaging young people through student societies, solar car races and stimulating and rewarding in-class experimental tasks, as example.
ACAP also has a strong history of engagement with schools in regional communities.
ACAP aims to maintain and grow these outreach efforts and will establish an online facility to share resources between nodes.
6.4.6 Publications and Research Conference Presentations
Peer reviewed journal papers published under the ACAP program since ACAP’s formation in 2013 have already been recognised as having a large impact at the international level. A total of 79 of these have been classified as “Highly Cited Papers”, based on their ranking within the top 1% in their field.
Nearly half of these, 36 in total, earned the additional distinction of being identified as “Hot Papers”, within the top 0.1% in their field. This is a disproportionately high number relative to the total number of ACAP publications and reflects the impact and high international standing of ACAP research.
In addition, ACAP researchers have always had a high profile at the peak international and national scientific and engineering conferences in the field, consistently winning oral and poster presentation awards.
ACAP researchers will continue to present its work for peer assessment and review at the highest levels and engage with their peers in other outstanding research institutions, winning accolades to be recorded in the annual report.
6.4.7 Professional Bodies
ACAP is a member of the Australian Photovoltaics Institute (APVI) and the International Solar energy Society (ISES) and intends to join the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI).
The Australian Photovoltaics Institute (APVI) is one of the more effective vehicles for Australian policy development through its focus on data, analysis and collaborative research. ACAP became a founding ‘Large Organisation’ member of the Australian Photovoltaics Institute (APVI) and ACAP partners have been active members of APVI throughout ACAP's existence. ACAP collaborators contributed to and participated in a number of outreach events each year. ACAP will continue to partner with APVI to deliver their enjoined end-year conferences in late November or early December each year.
The goal behind the work of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES) is to advance the transition to a renewable energy world. ISES is committed to 100% renewable energy for all used efficiently and wisely. ISES provides key timely information on renewable energy technology and innovation breakthroughs, policy mechanisms and changes, investment strategies and deployment opportunities”.
Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI) exists “to further chemical science knowledge in Australia. This is far-reaching, from creating educational initiatives in secondary and tertiary schools through to communicating the importance of chemistry to the public and government.” Its mission is “to be the Australian voice for chemical scientists and to advance the professional interests of its members.”