ACAP at UNSW is excited to announce a new industry research partnership between the centre and VRX Silica in Western Australia. The project will be investigating the techno-economic pathways to recycling solar panel glass in Australia.
As moving towards a fully closed-loop and sustainable solar industry is a critical part of the path to achieving net zero emissions, ACAP is pleased to be able to work with an industry-leading partner committed to ensuring that the glass and silica sand industries are environmentally and economically robust.
For more details on the project, please see the full release here.
For research collaborations opportunities on this project, please contact Richard Corkish: r.corkish@unsw.edu.au
ACAP always welcomes industry partners to work alongside our award-winning researchers on the new generation of solar technologies. For details on our current opportunities, please contact Anna Carolina Santos: ac.santos@unsw.edu.au