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ACAP UNSW installs LOANA solar cell analysis system at Sydney campus

LOANA in-situ

UNSW's ACAP node is pleased to have installed powerfully precise new measurement capabilities in the LOANA solar cell analysis system from pv-tools GmbH. The LOANA technology will allow for cell-characterisation and defect detection to produce more efficient solar cell technologies. The noise limit in the finest current range is 0.3 µA and low enough to measure the dark characteristics on small solar cells of only a few cm².

LOANA is an advanced solar cell measurement system that offers a wide range of capabilities in one convenient package. The LOANA system utilizes multiple measurement methods to analyze over 100 solar cells with the push of a button. LOANA’s capabilities include internal and external quantum efficiency, dark and light I-V measurements, line resistance testing, light beam induced current (LBIC) measurements, electro-luminescence (EL) imaging, and lock-in thermography.

The LOANA at UNSW has recently been upgraded to be compatible with 210 mm solar cells. This update ensures LOANA can provide high-quality results for all types of solar cells, from small research samples to the largest commercial-scale production models. LOANA’s comprehensive suite of capabilities enables users to quickly and accurately measure electrical characteristics.

For collaboration enquiries, or to tour the lab facilities, please contact team lead Bram Hoex:


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