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New advanced optical characterisation capabilities installed at ACAP ANU

The Australian National University (ANU) ACAP node are glad to announce the installation of new equipment which will establish an advanced optical characterisation cluster for photovoltaic (PV) research activities at the university with funding from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency.

The cluster consists of a hyperspectral imaging tool and a time-resolved photoluminescence (TRPL) system, able to detect light up to 1600 nm. This integrated suite of complementary techniques will allow access to many structural, morphological, and optical properties of solar cells across a large range of physical dimensions and carrier lifetimes.

This new project has allowed for the establishment of Optical Spectroscopy & Imaging Laboratory hosting the optical cluster at the ANU. Currently five super-users have been accredited as trainers and are ready to train other researchers within and outside the ANU PV group.

Enquiries welcome, please contact Hieu Nguyen at:


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