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UNSW and Monash University's atmospherically-controlled PV processing and accelerated testing facility

With ACAP support, UNSW and Monash University have established unique national infrastructure that is accelerating research on next generation PV materials by overcoming the process reproducibility and device stability issues.

The multi-node facility enables atmospheric monitoring and control during the material deposition, device fabrication, characterisation, and also encapsulation stages of solar cells.


Collectively, the facility enables high precision of controls, achieves reproducible results of solution-processing, and helps to track and understand the stability degradation mechanism of perovskite and alternative composition solar cells.


The facility enables the controlled study of combined light and heat-induced instability in perovskite and chalcogenide solar cells, and the exploration of new abundant and non-toxic PV materials.

UNSW's atmosphere-monitored in situ IV and PL imaging testers within a glovebox


The following atmosphere controlled in situ IV and PL imaging testers within a glovebox infrastructure have been installed at the Tyree Energy Technology Building at UNSW:

  • Hyperion IV 20 solar simulator and measurement system from Greatcell Solar

  • Lumikon Mini PL system from Open Instruments

  • Kiyon glovebox system (KK011AS+011AS-EXT-S) from AVT Services

Figure 1:In situ  IV and PL tester within glovebox installed at UNSW.

Monash University's atmosphere-monitored/ controlled processing glovebox

Installed at the New Horizon Building at Monash University is the premium MBRAUN process glovebox equipped with O2/H2O/VOC (volatile organic compounds) purifiers and sensors, modularised spin coater, and annealing process chamber.

The modularised spin coater and annealing process chamber enable controlled deposition and annealing, respectively.

Figure 2: MBRUAN process glovebox installed at Monash.


For more information on each facility please contact: (UNSW) Prof. Xiaojing Hao

(Monash University) Prof. Jacek Jasieniak


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